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Keeping whites, white

We all have that one favorite white piece of linen or clothing that we love to use frequently, but what do you do when it starts to build a yellow hue or start looking dull? There are a few simple rules that should be followed to keep white clothes looking bright and clean. Since they’re prone to discoloration, whites should be washed after every wear and should not be mixed with darker colors in the washing machine. Chlorine bleach can be helpful, but it’s not the only answer for cleaning white linens and clothing—there are several other techniques to try.

Try no to overload

overloaded washing machineNot only do you put a big strain on your washing appliances but you don’t get a very clean result. It’s easy to fill the washer to the brim and very tempting to increase your productivity but it is not the answer. With a very full and compacted washer, your linens and clothing do not have the free space to get cleaned evenly. This can lead to your white linens and clothing looking dull because the washer could not properly wash away the soils and redeposits. You can always look in your washer’s manual to ensure you have a well-balanced cycle.

Wash with warm water

Using warm water will help remove grime and body oils that can eventually dull your white materials. It will also keep your linens and clothing much more sanitized by removing germs. Not all stains respond to warm water. For example, blood and sweat can actually set into fabric in hot water. Do you ever c

Promptly treat stains

While attacking the stain as soon as it appears is the best course of action, there are always days where this isn’t an option, as well as stains you only discover once they’ve well and truly set in. If it’s just a small mark you’re dealing with, try soaking it in white vinegar for half an hour before putting the sheets through a cold wash cycle and line-drying, as mentioned above. If you’re really struggling to get a stubborn stain out of white sheets, try an oxygen based bleach, which is gentler than its chlorine based counterparts.  One thing about chlorine is that it should never be used on silk sheets or woollen blankets.



Air dry or dry on low

Drying white clothing and fabrics outside can make a big difference in their brightness. The ultraviolet rays from the sun will help to freshen and whiten the garments. If drying outside is not available to you, dry with an automatic dryer on a lower heat setting. Excesive heat can sometimes give a yellow hue.

Hope you enjoyed.

As a company that provides linens for hundreded of hotels on the east coast we hear tips and tricks that the housekeeping departments use on daily basis to keep their linens looking bright and white. We hope we were able to help.








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